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Writer's pictureNazem Elmasri

Lebanon: An example of what?


In the early nineties, I found a book at the public library written by the late British journalistRobert fisk titled ; Pity the Nation: The Abduction of Lebanon.

Being a Lebanese American citizen, I couldn’t help myself, so I checked it out of the Library and read th entire book. It was a detailed account of the Lebanese civil war as well as other matters , but based on facts, Robert traveled to Lebanon and lived through it all.

After reading it ,a simple question came to my mind:

Who provides the human intelligence information gathering so that our policy makers can make sound, logical decision away from emotions, especially in the Middle East.

What concerns me is the Middle East and especially Lebanon. I wish I can still limit my thinking to Lebanon, but now this tiny country, my birth place, where my family still olives, where my ancestors are ,is a part of an axis. The Lebanese people cannot separate themselves from the struggles that are going around them in Syria, Iraq and Palestine/Israel.

Lebanon is still realing from the burden refugees , from Google:

July 31, 2019, 3:39 PM Since 2011, Lebanon has taken in 1.5 million Syrian refugees. Officially, the country’s policy has been to host them until the war in the neighboring country has ended. In reality, it has recently started coercing them to leave.

Lebanon also hosts more than 17,000 refugees of Iraqi, Sudanese and other origins, and more than 200,000 palestinian refugees under UNRWA’s mandate. The presence of such a large refugee population in a small country facing an economic crisis, high unemployment, pressure on infrastructure, and environmental challenges increasingly risks . (Google search 10/02/2021).

The new government of Najib Mikati promises the poor Lebanese people some releif, but what releif is about to arrive when the root causes of corruption, political elitism/nepotism, and an old ragged constitution based on religious divisions can offer the Lebanese anything other than temporary releif from oppression and victimization.

When will the USA that delegated France of dealing with the Lebanese crisis that were started frst by the maximum pressure policies during the Trump era to theoretically according to the brilliant minds of the Trump white house and staff, back then to squeeze the life on the environment of Hezbollah causing Lebanon to implode form within, and cause a civil war that will uproot Hezbollah out of Lebanon.

To increase the pressure Lebanese bankers stole all deposits of Lebanese people, which no can be done without the knowledge and consent of us authorities since the Lebanese banking system, including the Central Bank Of Lebanon, is tied to American banking and the SWIFT network. That in addition to the depreciation of the Lebanese Lira, up to 19.000 Liras to the US dollar. The formation of the government caused the dollar to drop ( as of today 10/2/2021 one USA dollar equals 1505.70 Lebanese Liras.

This caused the Lebanese tremendous hardships since essential goods, including food, that had to be imported and paid for with US dollars became very expensive. The result was massive shortages in critical supplies including medical supplies and medications, which means there is no official estimate how many Lebanese people died from hunger or the lack of medications.

So for those advocates of the maximum pressure policy, whether it is towards Lebanon or any third world country, the American people must know that it is the people of these countries that pay the price not the rulers, and as far as Hezbollah in Lebanon, they are just fine, they weren’t affected with any policies, since they are an independent country, that has it own economy, with the support of Iran of course, as the whole world knows.

The US government officially supports Lebanon and urges reforms and rooting out corruption, but at the same time corrupt Lebanese officials stash the Lebanese people’s money in American and French banks, as well as other offshore banks etc…We pick and choose who’s Lebanese official we expose his or her corruption based on their political affiliation or whether it agrees with “our” interests. Then how can Lebanon rid itself of corruption while the superpowers of the world provide heavens for the Lebanese and other third world corrupt officials?

About two years ago I emailed president Trump and presented my argument for a strong prosperous Lebanon with American and international focus on massive infrastructure projects that will employ the youth , supplying them with wages that they can sustain their families on. I also argued that this will guide them away from terrorist activities militias and other criminal activities. I also argued that a prosperous Lebanon, and well armed /equipped Lebanese armed forces is the best guarantee for Israel’s safety since that is the always the primary concern of the White House.

I also indicated that as ling as the Palestinians do not have a homeland, and they are refugees all over there will never be peace in the Middle East, as I am sure all sane minds in Israel who are away from racism have finally realized. That days is coming, since I personally beleive that the laws of physics apply to foreign policy, and that when you toss a marble in stainless steel bowl, it will revolve all around it, but will finally settle in the middle-if the bowl is perfectly designed and manufactured, but since perfection belongs only to God, it is our task, and your task foreign policy makers to keep adjusting that bowl until it is perfect, relying on credible, signal and human intelligence, not on so called Middle East experts, or a couple of guys that go camping in the desert for two weeks.

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